What I do

I do and make lots of different things. I play theatre performances, go on running adventures, I write, I build websites and I made a TV program.


As a theatre maker I write and play theatre performance about travel, adventures and happiness.


Curious about adventures? I experience them, to explore and cross borders. Mostly running, often with the purpose to move you.


Do you want me to write for you? I would love to! I write in many different ways, like columns, poems, blogs, short stories, editorial work. I also wrote and published a book about an amazing running adventure and released a collections of poems.


Are you doing or creating something beautiful and do you want a website? I would love to build it for you and brainstorm about what you need. This way we contribute to a more beautiful world together.


I talk about the magic of travelling, running, crossing borders and following your dreams.
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Sometimes I discover something that doesn't fit into a box. At that moment I mostly learn something completely new. This way I keep exploring in life.

How I work

I do, create or think of something. Then I ask myself the questions: does this really make me happy? Can I imagine it? Does it feel right?

With three yeses, I dive in wholeheartedly. Then I slowly start to see the value of it, mostly without knowing how to do it. Just that I will do it. This is by no means a straight line: the unknown path is full of road bumps, doubts, wild jumps and plot twists. On the way I keep asking these three questions.

What I do, create and experience comes from within. The way I live is connected with the way I work. Life's work. Travelling als a catsitter and nomad gives me inspiration and stories to create, write, experience. And creating something new often gets me to new places, where I meet new people. I believe in its value and power: it makes me feel alive!
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